Monday, December 26, 2011

Motolust: The Neurophysiological Truth

Lust took a pretty good beating by the medieval Catholic church when it was called out as one of those seven pesky Contrary Virtues (a.k.a. The Seven Deadly Sins)Although I understand the rationale for attempting to divide the world this way (i.e the Heavenly Virtues versus the Contrary Virtues), the simplicity of what we call good versus what we call bad remains, by my account,  somewhat arbitrary.

Take lust for example, more specifically, motolust.

motolust (noun) 1. A passionate craving for all things 2-wheeled and motorized.   2. The intense desire or appetite for a motorcycle (or motorcycles).  3. an ardent enthusiasm for motorcycles.

Now, that doesn't sound so bad, does it?  In fact, it sounds a bit like the motorcyclist's version of  whatever trips your trigger.   It comes in many shapes and colors - everything from cats, dogs, cars, houses, clothes, purses, golf clubs, fine food, to fast fast food to whatever!  Each to their own.

For me, it just happens to be motorcycles!

Motorcycles, in general, but more specifically, sleek, Italian motorcycles, in particular!  For me, these bikes ooze a design aesthetic that transcends the visual - they evoke something deep, visceral, and cerebral. 

The visual image triggers something in my brain that evokes undeniable urges.  Their stance, their sleek looks-fast-while-standing-still appearance makes me want to climb upon one of these beauties, straddle the saddle, fire the motor, and go fast.... very fast.

The sound alone emanating from a 90-degree apposed V-twin engine increases my heart rate, drys my mouth, and shortens my breath.  Moreover,  I won't rest easy until I can see the machine that has created such music.

Call it lust, call it sin, call it a sickness... I don't really care!  All I know is that these urges are uncontrollable, undeniable, and are fundamentally, an integral part of who I am.

Deep, out of sight and beyond my control there's a party going on in my brain!  A flood of neurotransmitters dumped indiscriminately into my cerebral cortex, bathing receptors longing to be saturated with their cognate triggering transmitters.   I am a man enslaved by neuropeptides.

So, if you happen to hear: "God, look at the cans on that Ducati!"  Don't judge... it's the peptides talking.... the simple neurophysiological truth!  -LD

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